Hi everyone and welcome to my garden of thoughts, feelings and opinions (otherwise known as a blog!)
Why have a blog you may ask? Put simply.... I talk too much!!!!!
Nah, it's not only that - I have Lupus which is an auto-immune disease and quite often bc of this I am stuck at home with no one to hear my thoughts... so I figure, why not write them down here and maybe provide some entertainment or thought-provoking action by readers of blogs?!
I'm pretty new at this and even though I have a lot in my head I need to get out, it might take some getting used to for me to write it down instead of ringing a friend.
I'd love your feedback and to hear your own thoughts - especially on what I share here. Feel free to comment and comment and... well, you get the idea.
So who am I?
I am a (currently) 35 year old South Australian and mighty proud of it. I guess you could say I am mixed race although I identify as Aboriginal (of which I am also extremely proud). My ancestry is actually French/German, English/Aboriginal and way back in the dark there, believe it or not is even a bit of Chinese.
I grew up in foster care from the age of 2 through to an adult. I have a twin brother and a sister aswell as two beautiful nephews and one gorgeous niece. I have a cheeky godson and am a 'surrogate' aunty to him and his siblings.
From the age of 5 onwards, my twin and I lived with a family in the country on a farm with our sister joining us a bit later. I swear - the best place to grow up is on a farm! The values, the sense of humour, the work ethic... the best people!!!!
When I went to live with this foster family, I got the best gift I could ever receive and that was that I met Jesus. So we have been friends/family since I was 5 years old. Awesomeness!!!!
When I was a young adult, I was diagnosed with severe major depression. I was sick for many years with this and also used to cut myself ... a lot! (I can share more on that another time). I had many hospitalizations and a number of diagnoses with the end result being that I have Bipolar Affective Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and a Dissociative Disorder. I am currently fairly balanced... yay!
I have studied at tertiary level and successfully completed some TAFE Certificates which enabled me to get a job in mental health. I have written a paper on Self Injury and presented it all over Adelaide (as well as an Australasian conference) as a Professional Development Workshop based on my paper with such positive feedback. I am hoping to get it published but atm that is on hold.
About 2 and a half years ago I became sick and was told I had an auto-immune disease although they didn't know what one. Since then, I have been diagnosed with Lupus (although that is now in question) and Fibromyalgia. As a result I have had to stop working, and am bored out of my brain, which brought me to the idea of writing this blog!
The last year has been extremely tumultuous in terms of accommodation, friendships, God, the works! The week before Christmas, I moved in with my twin and so far things are going great.
Two important members of the family are our two cats - I got mine - Dougie, in September and my brother got his - Tiger in December. They easily won our hearts over and we wouldn't be without them now, lol.
What are my passions you ask?
Well...I love the Adelaide Crows footy club. Andrew McLeod = YUM!
Aussie Rules is definitely the best and most REAL football game there is! Period!
I also love scrapbooking - there is a bunch of us girls who do it together, although my main monthly project atm are ATC's.
I quite love FB although Im not really into other social networking sites - I have more than enough to keep up with with just FB. Ok, let's be real here, I almost LIVE on FB, lol.
I love tv and movies - I actually have always used them as an escape from my reality - which let's face it, being in foster care for my entire childhood....has been pretty bad! Just a week ago we got our first digital tv with all the extra channels so Im quite happy.
I am single atm having ended a relationship about 18months ago. If any of you know any hot single Christian guys, let me know.... please!!!!!! Lol.
Mostly though, my passion is Jesus and fulfilling the plans he has told me about (so far)! He has given me a massive heart for the marginalised and even though i feel my life is at a standstill atm, I know that hopefully soon I can get back to educating, advocating and raising awareness for the minority groups in our community.
I am part way through a Social Work degree - but it's on hold while I sort out my stupid sick body! This degree is another step in me fulfilling my dreams of helping other people.
My life mantra is to make a positive difference in people's lives, even if it's just brightening their day with a smile. And my favourite quote is as follows:
~ There go the people. I must follow them for I am their leader. ~
~ Alexandre Ledru-Rollin ~
Hey from your very favourite cousin and first commenter...loved reading this and always love reading what your years on the farm mean to you. Keep writing and i'll keep reading!!!!
+Haha you didnt tell me about this lovely , dont know if you read mine but i have one too :)